The goal of has always been to provide expert information about heavy bleeding for our readers. We realize that our information has many uses for our readers. Some are doing research for their own problem with heavy periods. Some are interested in finding information on a specific cause or treatment. Some are seeking information for a friend or family member. Whatever the reason, we want to provide the information to meet your needs

We Need Your Help

We are asking for your help. Tell us what information about heavy bleeding you are looking for. We will take your suggestions and use them to guide us as we create the content we will post in the coming weeks. We have given this information through articles and a few select videos we thought might be useful on certain subjects. Is this the best way to bring the content to you? How do you want the information presented? Would you be interested in a podcast on certain subjects? Video presentation? E-book? Something else?

Give Us Suggestions In The Comment Section Below

Post a comment below with your suggestion. And know that we will try our hardest to act on it. This site is for our readers and we want to give you a say in what goes on it. Thanks for making a huge success!

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